Ministry Work

Ministry Work

Our ministry offers two services

We Speak to revive, give hope to the lost, and bring a message of unity, healing, hope, and love to groups in and out of church settings. 


We Equip and Support by bringing uniquely curated leadership development tools to equip your leaders through training, coaching, and workshops customized to align your mission, vision, and values. 


Evangelism Ministry

Jerry Stockton brings a message of living in hope through chronic pain.

Healed by God through the Holy Spirit from a bleeding disease and a brain tumor at 13, Jerry began to touch people’s lives with his testimony and gifting of healing, influencing generations to find salvation and healing through Jesus Christ.    Fast forward into adulthood, and it seemed as if his life would continue to be one of success and service, working hard, building businesses, becoming a licensed minister, marriage, children, and several tragic accidents caused catastrophic injuries, leaving him with debilitating and chronic pain.  The damages cost him over a decade of struggles, including losing work, relationships, and pastoral ministry.  Feeling all hope was lost, and seasons of strife and constant battles left him questioning his call and purpose.  “But God…”  Hear his testimony, and experience how God intervened in his life repeatedly. 

Restore Coaching Women’s Ministry

“Healing Beneath the Shadows- How to Overcome, Restore and Walk in greater intimacy and Freedom with Jesus.”  

Kristen Stockton, ACC is a certified coach, non-profit leader, corporate executive, and leadership development expert who oversees Healing Beneath the Shadows.  She helps Christian women stop feeling like they need to hide in plain sight due to a cycle of shame and blame from a chapter in their life they don’t want anyone to know about.

Her story:

For the past several years, it’s been rough; I armored up, but not the way God intended. I was putting on a face in front of everyone, but behind the door, my life was messy, and I hid it well. Until I just couldn’t. I didn’t tell my story, but now I am because it’s time to overcome.

When I realized the difference, it became clear there was a gap between how I reacted to these challenges in the past and how I am working through them now.

One morning, she got a download from the Holy Spirit and created a signature framework called RESTORE.  We use it to identify gaps across the seven principles. Then apply the three keys to unlock this transformation. 

Awareness – The truth of your situation, your identity in Christ, and the interconnection between body, mind, and spirit

 Surrender – Laying down the weight of what you want to overcome at the feet of Jesus

Forgiveness – Unlocking restoration is incomplete without this. 


Healing Beneath the Shadows includes: (Limited to 12 women per cohorts (June and January- special pricing available for churches)

  • 7-month self-paced course 

  • 12- 1:1 Coaching sessions (two 30-minute sessions each month with me)

  • 7 -Carefully curated Mastermind group coaching sessions (1 per month)

  • Optional luxurious celebration retreat for celebration and community


How it all works together:

  • Each month, we focus on one element of the RESTORE framework (slow and steady)

  • Each week, you will have one simple, small self-discovery action

  • Each month, I bring the women enrolled for a mastermind gathering.

  • After the course, I organize an optional in-person one-day “retreat”- envision “Salamander Resort” or close to it with a few special guests to celebrate and pour into “you.

Contact us today for availability: