We Partner with You.
We partner with community organizations, bringing our collective experiences in over 50 years of business and ministry to help organizations and churches serve our most vulnerable populations.
You know your community; we bring perspective and purpose to helping you serve.
Our ministry focus is helping survivors of homelessness, domestic violence, and human trafficking through the cycle from rescue to recovery and, ultimately, the restoration process.
We bring resources for leaders, community supporters, caregivers, and churches uniquely designed to help you serve at your best.
We equip community leaders through leadership training and coaching. We have a proven framework we follow that helps organization leaders and their teams grow and continue to thrive. Our curated leadership development tools equip your leaders through training, coaching, and workshops customized to align your mission, vision, and values.
We are Inspirational Speakers.
Jerry Stockton brings a message of living in hope through chronic pain.
Healed by God through the Holy Spirit from a bleeding disease and a brain tumor at 13, Jerry began to touch people’s lives with his testimony and gift of healing, influencing generations to find salvation and healing through Jesus Christ. Fast forward into adulthood, and it seemed as if his life would continue to be one of success and service, working hard, building businesses, becoming a licensed minister, marriage, children, and several tragic accidents caused catastrophic injuries, leaving him with debilitating and chronic pain. The damages cost him over a decade of struggles, including losing work, relationships, and pastoral ministry. Feeling all hope was lost, and seasons of strife and constant battles left him questioning his call and purpose. “But God…” Hear his testimony and experience how God intervened in his life repeatedly.
Kristen Stockton Shares How to Overcome Overwhelming Obstacles
Kristen Stockton, ACC, is a certified coach, speaker, published author, non-profit leader, corporate executive, and leadership development expert who brings over 20 years of training, coaching to helping others move from overwhelming circumstances to freedom.
She shares part of her story in the book “Well Woman”. Kristen co-authored “Well Woman” with nine other women from all different backgrounds and experiences, with one thing in common, a heart of others and love of Jesus. Through Kristen’s own transformation, she learned that there were wounds she didn’t even know she needed help and healing from.
She now uses her 30 year journey of becoming a Well Woman to help others overcome and transform from life’s most intimidating incidents and obstacles in our life to a life of healing and hope.