How to build community

How to build community

When we think about giving others hope, our hearts need to be centered, as if we were on a rescue mission. We need the tools, understanding, and motivation to go out for a rescue. Most people who are spiritually lost or who have been abused or abandoned are in pain and feel lost within that pain. They are looking for a path back. They lost their way and joy and desperately want to regain it, but they don’t know how.

If you think about it, we have all been in that situation where we didn’t know where to turn. We didn’t know who to reach out to, and deep down inside, we just wanted someone to show up and help.

When someone is lost, they don’t know which way to turn. They are not in a position to save themselves. Those of us who desire to give hope to someone who is lost, hurt, harmed, or betrayed need to be like the shepherd going after a lost sheep. The shepherd goes out after them. We can’t wait for them to come to us; we have to go to them.

When Jesus goes after the one lost sheep he goes after the sheep as a good shepherd does. He doesn’t say, “Well, if the sheep starts to come back to me, then I will go out and rescue the sheep.” he doesn’t wait for the sheep to start to wander back.

And so we must take steps toward those who need to be rescued. Is there someone in your community, your neighborhood, your place of business, or your church who is disengaged, seems lost and sad, hasn’t been active, or has stepped away for a few weeks?

Please don’t wait for them to start coming back; go after that one person. Take steps towards them. Be invitational, intentional, and authentic. Call them on the phone, stop by their home, invite them to spend time with you, and start to get to know them. Rescue begins with going out and opening up opportunities to build a relationship of trust.

It takes time. It is one person at a time.

The key is to follow up and follow through. Just keep taking steps towards them. Pray for wisdom and guidance to know what to say, when, and when to take the next step.

That is how you can help rescue someone who’s hurting. That is how you build a community of faith and hope. Then, once that relationship has been fostered and trust is built, a time of revival and refreshing of their spirit occurs with your love, friendship, and the Hope inside you.

Please don’t wait for them to turn to you; you will go after them.

Be blessed to be a blessing to someone today.

This is what JAS Ministries is all about. We team up with others to go on a mission to restore and rebuild lives with hope—one step at a time one person at a time. We can help your organization equip others to be on a rescue mission in your community, your business, and your church. #community #hope #restoringlives

Let’s go out and bring Hope!!