What are you hungry for?

What are you hungry for?

It’s the middle of the morning, just had breakfast, but my wife says, I’m hungry, but I don’t know why…I just ate? So, she starts opening and closing kitchen cabinets. I hear the refrigerator door open and close. I hear her question the food as if it will answer her back. Banana? Nuts? (no, but I can tell you someone who is) Peanut butter?   So, I suggest she drink a couple of glasses of water. She declines, “no, that’s not it. “I’m ravenous…like a lion…I need something else…

Has that ever happened to you? Been hungry for something and you just don’t know what? You search looking for that one thing that will satisfy that rumbling in the pit of your stomach, that growling of emptiness that you feel, you’re so hungry that you feel kind a ravenous. Like a lion stalking prey.

My massage therapist told me once that when you feel that way it’s your body telling you it’s missing something.

Back to my wife’s ravenous appetite she can’t fill.  I ask her, what do you think your body is missing? So, she goes through the list, well I just ate a full breakfast of eggs, toast, bacon, with coffee. Then, like the dawn of a new day. She says, I haven’t had any water this morning. Wow, what a revelation to her. It’s as if someone whispered in her ear that very same thought.

So, after drinking the water glass after glass she, felt invigorated, filled, refreshed. What she was missing now being filled and the hunger sensation ended. At least for now.

Our human spirit is the same way.  We think we are satisfied, but we are not really, but we don’t know what’s missing.  So, w e search and we search to find the right job, friends, family, mate, house, trip.  We download, we join, we look, we buy, we watch, we listen, we read…all and anything in a search for what we think will satisfy our soul.

And when we see that “like” button with 400 “thumbs up,  or hear that inspiring podcast or take that trip, we fill our sprit for the moment. We search for what we need among things that other humans create.  But what they bring in the moment won’t last forever. They will never completely fill us.   But you know what?  You know who will?  The one who created you.  Just like a mother or father knows by the sound of a child’s cry what they need.  Your creator God, heavenly Father,  knows exactly what you need, when you need it.

A spiritual hunger that our human spirit craves can only be satisfied by the creator of our human spirit and that is God. This happens through his grace. Only through his Holy Spirit can the human spirit be complete. You can’t earn it, build it, buy it, marry it, cook it or download it. When you surrender your faults and frailties of your human spirit and acknowledge and accept the gift of grace, God’s holy spirit dwells in you, and you will never wonder what you are hungry for again. You’ve been filled with his love.

Just sitting in his presence, is enough, reading His word is enough because what we really are hungry for is unconditional love and forgiveness. And the best part of that—it’s free.

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